Barbara Marcel
b. 1985, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Lives and works in Berlin and Rio de Janeiro.
2022-2023 Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme.
2015-2022 Ph.D. candidate in Visual Arts, Artistic Research (Prof. Dr. Phil Michael Lüthy, Prof. Livia Flores UFRJ-EBA), BAUHAUS-Universität Weimar.
2014-2016 Guest Student at Hito Steyerl's class, Universität der Künste Berlin UDK.
2011-2014 MA Art in Context, Universität der Künste Berlin UDK.
2005-2007 BA Philosophy, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ.
2004-2006 BA Film Studies, Universidade Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro.
2000-2004 Technical Gymnasium in Public Health, EPSJV, FIOCRUZ.
2024 18TH CINEBH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. World Premiere of Barbara Marcel’s feature-length film SURARAS, selected for the Territory competitive section. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
2024 CINEMATECA BRASILEIRA. Double screening of Glauber Rocha’s film DER LEONE HAVE SEPT CABEÇAS and Barbara Marcel’s medium-length film MARLENE, followed by a conversation between Marcel, Mariana Queen Nwabsili and Mateus Araújo, at the Brazilian Cinematheque. São Paulo, Brazil.
2024 VERMELHO GALLERY. Screening of the film HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES by Barbara Marcel, followed by a conversation between the film director and Ligia Nobre. São Paulo, Brazil.
2024 LARISA CRUNȚEANU & SONJA HORNUNG: TO SLIP, TO SLIDE, TO GLITCH. Exhibition at alpha nova & galerie futura. Screening of two chapters of the series GOLDEN TONE, by Barbara Marcel followed by an online conversation with the director. Berlin, Germany.
2024 COMMON IMAGINARIES. 4th Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2024, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Screening of the films HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES and MARLENE by Barbara Marcel followed by a conversation between the film director and Mariana Queen Nwabasili at Cinemateca do MAM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2024 KLIMA BIENNALE: WILDERNESS ALLIANCES. Exhibition & Laboratory for Artistic and Performative Research in Interaction with Plants. Curated by Stephanie Winter. Screening of Barbara Marcel’s film THE OPEN FOREST. Vienna, Austria.
2023 MOTORES DEL CLIMA. Poetics, politics and technologies of the environment. Collective exhibition curated by Daphne Dragona and Jussi Parikka at LABoral - Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijon, Spain.
2023 SINEMA TRANSTOPIA. Knowledge Ties #4: HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. Lecture by Deborah Shaw and film by Barbara Marcel followed by a conversation moderated by Paz Guevara. Berlin, Germany.
2023 MY PRECIOUS, Werkleitz Festival. Group exhibition in June 2023. Hettstedt, Germany.
2023 THE CHANGE IN PATTERNS. Group show at wildpalms, curated by Alexandra Meffert and Jorge Sanguino. Düsseldorf, Germany.
2023 CINÉ-RENCONTRE "L'autre, ici même". Screening of Barbara Marcel’s medium-length MARLENE (2022) at Université Paris Cité. Debate with Raquel Schefer (Paris 3), and mediation by Prof. Tatian Monassa. Paris, France.
2022 A PARÁBOLA DO PROGRESSO. Group exhibition at SESC Pompeia. Curatorial coordination by Lisete Lagnado and assistant curatorship by André Pitol and Yudi Rafael. From October 2022 to April 2023. São Paulo, Brazil.
2022 AL CONJURO DE ESTE CÓDIGO - Tecnofeminismos para reescribir el mundo. Collective exhibition curated by Alma Laprida, Ana Mora, Jenny Maritza Ramírez Osorio, Maia Navas and Tania Puente, at CASo - Centro de Arte Sonoro in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2022 WEATHER ENGINES. Collective exhibition curated by Daphne Dragona & Jussi Parikka at Onassis Stegi, Athens, Greece.
2022 VISIONS DU RÉEL FILM FESTIVAL. World premiere of Barbara Marcel’s medium-length film MARLENE in the competitive section. Nyon, Switzerland.
2022 MORE PLANETS LESS PAIN - Constellations of artistic research. Collective exhibition at Kunsthalle Erfurt and ACC Weimar, curated by Anne Brannys. Erfurt and Weimar, Germany.
2022 GALERIA DO BANCO ECONÓMICO. Screening of Barbara Marcel’s film THE OPEN FOREST followed by a debate. Luanda, Angola.
2021 UMBRALES. Collective exhibition at ifa-Galerie Stuttgart in collaboration with BIENAL DE ARTE MEDIALES in Santiago de Chile, curated by Bettina Korintenberg and Enrique Rivera. Stuttgart, Germany.
2021 solo BARBARA MARCEL, CINÉ-CIPÓ – CINE-LIANA. Solo exhibition curated by Agustina Andreoletti at Gemeinde, Cologne, Germany.
2021 FLUIDE REALITÄTEN. Collective exhibition curated by Dorothee Bienert, Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa, Daniela Nadwornicek, Isabelle Stamm; poster wall by Uwe Jonas. At Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch, part of the Kommunale Galerien Berlin, Germany.
2021 BIRDS AND BUOYS. Duo exhibition by Barbara Marcel and Nadja Abt. Curated by Katja Knast at Bärenzwinger Berlin, Germany.
2021 SÜDSTELLIUM. A project by Matheus Rocha Pitta, Ana Hupe, Barbara Marcel at Kottbusser Tor subway station in Berlin, Germany. Funded by the Projektförderung Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 2020.
2020 CRITICAL ZONES. Observatory for Earthy Politics. Curated by Bruno Latour, Peter Weibel, Bettina Korintenberg and Martin Guinard. Center for Art and Media ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany.
2020 BERLINISCHE GALERIE, IBB-Video Space. Screenings of videoart by Barbara Marcel, curated by Nuno De Brito Rocha, Berlin, Germany.
2020 MAC – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói – Rio de Janeiro. Screenings of videoart by Barbara Marcel, curated by Raphael Fonseca. Brazil.
2020 AGROPOETICS at Inland — art, agriculture & territory. Madrid, Spain.
2020 FOSSO #15, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2020 GOETHE INSTITUTE Concepción. Screening of Humo sobre los Humedales. Concepción, Chile.
2019 solo HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. Solo exhibition resulting from the Goethe Institute Residency Artivism, curated by Luis Alarcón and Ana María Saavedra. GALERIA METROPOLITANA, Santiago de Chile.
2019 SOIL IS AN INSCRIBED BODY. Curated by Elena Agudio Marleen Boschen. At SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany.
2019 LICHT LUFT SCHEIßE [Light Air Shit], Perspectives on Ecology and Modernity. Curated by Florian Wüst and Marco Clausen. Nachbarschaftsakademie, nGbK and Prinzessinengarten, Berlin, Germany.
2019 AS REAL BECOMES SURREAL. Screenings running parallel to the 16th Istanbul Biennial of the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) at Kundura Cinema, Istanbul, Turkey.
2019 FIRE FAÍSCA FUNKE, financed by the Berlin Project Fund Arts Education Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mario Kreuzberg Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
2019 FRACTURED LANDSCAPES: Broad Underground Film Series, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, USA.
2018 DISAPPEARING LEGACIES: THE WORLD AS FOREST, Zentralmagazin Naturwissenschaftlicher Sammlungen, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale, Germany.
2018 REENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES: New Cinema and Contemporary Arts, screening at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany.
2018 La VOLUNTAD DE LA FORMA, Espacio Pla. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018 REENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES: New Cinema and Contemporary Arts, screening at Luminôr Hôtel de Ville and Centre Georges-Pompidou. Paris, France.
2018 DISAPPEARING LEGACIES: THE WORLD AS FOREST, Tieranatomische Theater, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.
2017 LANDSCAPES OF EXCESS, screening at Kispas. Brussels, Belgium.
2017 DISAPPEARING LEGACIES: THE WORLD AS FOREST, CeNak - Zoologisches Museum Hamburg, Germany.
2017 FIT FRAME TO CONTENT, Urlaub Projects. Berlin, Germany.
2017 UNIVERSIDAD DESCONOCIDA, Standard/Deluxe. Lausanne, Switzerland.
2017 PLATFORMS PROJECT 2017, with Campus Novel. Athens, Greece.
2017 solo TROPIC MATTERS, V240. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2017 LANDSCAPES OF EXCESS, screening at Teatro Munganga, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2016 THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS, GMK. Berlin, Germany.
2016 OMONOIA ATHENS BIENNALE - THE EVER-GARDEN EFFECT, collaborative project with Campus Novel. Athens, Greece.
2016 INTUITIVE QUADRANTS, Luis Leu Ausstellungsraum für zeitgenössische Kunst. Karlsruhe, Germany.
2016 62. INTERNATIONALE KURZFILMTAGE OBERHAUSEN. We Do The Voodoo (One minute Project), curated by Helen Dowling. Oberhausen, Germany.
2016 EYE MUSEUM. We Do The Voodoo (One minute Project), curated by Helen Dowling. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2015 PHOTOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND MEMORY WITH ARNO GISINGER, Museum of Art Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2015 VISION AND FEAR STATION, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig. Leipzig, Germany.
2015 ON PROJECTION, Kühlhaus Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
2015 THROUGH THE LOOKING SCREEN, 175 Gallery. Seoul, South Korea.
2015 ON LANDSCAPE. Book Exhibition, Matèria Gallery. Rome, Italy.
2015 KÜNSTLERBÜCHER AUSSTELLUNG. Clap – Temporary room. Essen, Germany.
2014 solo REPRESENTATIVES. Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, Germany.
2014 BRASILIEN TRIFFT BERLIN, Berlin, Germany.
2014 RUNDGANG MASTERARBEITEN 2013/2014 Institut Art in Context. University of Arts Berlin, Germany.
2014 ALÉM DA UCRONIA. Neo-Realism Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
2013 DESVENDA. Marta Traba Gallery, Fundação Memorial da América Latina. São Paulo, Brazil.
2013 SPRINGS AND SOURCES. Andros, Greece.
2013 230.000 CM: Part 2, Karl Marx Studio. NACHT UND NEBEL ART FESTIVAL. & Part 1, Karl Marx Studio. 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN ART FESTIVAL. Berlin, Germany.
2013 PIC: PIECES IN CHAIN, MPAB - Month of Performance Art Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
2013 RETURN TO FOREVER, TZB Gallery of the Czech Centre Berlin, Germany.
2013 COLOGNEOFF INDIA II: Carnival of eCreativity, Sattal, India.
2012 A PARADISE IS A PARADISE IS A PARADISE, Karl Marx Studio, 48-Stunden Neukölln Art Festival. Berlin, Germany.
2012 VIDEOS DESVENDA, Museum Murillo La Greca. Recife, Brazil.
2012 FELDFORSCHUNG AM EINSTEINUFER, Institut Art in Context. Berlin, Germany.
2012 VIDEOS DESVENDA, Casa M de Mercosul. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2012 25 INSTANTS VIDEO, Alexandria Art Center. Alexandria, Egypt.
2012VIDEO ART FESTIVAL MIDEN. Kalamata, India.
2011 DESVENDA, Casa M de Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2011 ALTES FINANZAMT, Berlin, Germany.
2011 FIEBER, Marzia Frozen Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
9-12.2024 RESEARCH GRANT BERLIN SENATE. Berlin, Germany.
2023 DRESDEN TRANSCULTURAL ACADEMY “FUTURITIES” Fellow 2023. Grant. Dresden, Germany.
2022-2023 BERLIN ARTISTIC RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAMME Fellow 2022-23. Berlin, Germany.
2022 NEUSTART KULTURFONDS Project funding. Berlin, Germany.
2021 NEUSTART KULTURFONDS VG Bild-Kunst BKM. Berlin, Germany.
2020-21 BEZIRKSKULTURFONDS BERLIN: Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain. Funding by the District Culture Fund for the exhibition "Südstellium", initiated by Matheus Rocha Pitta, Ana Hupe and Barbara Marcel. Berlin, Germany.
2019 JESSICA-BILZ-FOND, Project "Situated Knowledges / Global Ecologies: A Collaborative Walkshop Ramble". Berlin, Germany.
2019 BEZIRKSKULTURFONDS BERLIN: Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain. Funding by the District Culture Fund for the exhibition "Der Süd ist unser Norden". Berlin, Germany.
10.2018-09.2021 HEINRICH BÖLL STIFTUNG. Three years Scholarship for PhD of Artistic Research at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany.
2016 IFA - INSTITUT FÜR AUSLANDSBEZIEHUNGEN BERLIN. Prize for Solo Exhibition in Amsterdam 2017. Berlin, Germany.
2016 FRAUENFOND BAUHAUS UNIVERSITY WEIMAR. Funding for young artists: "The Archival Garden: Balcony Dialogues", Athens Biennale. Weimar, Germany.
2021 Art Residency as part of the YANGO Art Biennale of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2017 UNIVERSIDAD DESCONOCIDA. Two weeks artistic RESIDENCY at the Music and Theater Festival at the Tuquet, Montpon, France.
2017 UNIVERSIDAD DESCONOCIDA, Standard Deluxe. Two weeks artistic RESIDENCY in the Alps, Evolène, Switzerland.
2016 LABverde ART IMMERSION PROGRAM IN THE AMAZON. Artistic Residency in the Reserve Adolpho Ducke (INPA), Manaus, Brazil. Funded by the Bauhaus University Weimar IPID4all (DAAD) Program for artistic research abroad. Weimar, Germany.
2015 SYROS INSTITUTE. Artistic RESIDENCY about lighthouses on the island of Syros, Greece.
2013 SPRING AND SOURCES. Artistic RESIDENCY on the island of Andros, Greece.
2024 COMMON IMAGINARIES. 4th Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2024, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Co-organization of the conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2023 HAU – Hebbel am Ufer Theater. Festival ¡PROTAGONISTAS! Beyond Equality: Feminisms Reclaiming Life. An Internationalist Gathering. Curated by Firoozeh Farvardin, Barbara Marcel, Camila Nobrega, Bahar Oghalai, Bafta Sarbo, Elif Sarican and Margarita Tsomou. Berlin, Germany.
2023 SINEMA TRANSTOPIA - Knowledge Ties #3: Amor Rojo. Moderation of the talk with Rike Frank and Dora Garcia after the exhibition of the film Amor Rojo, by Dora García. Berlin, Germany.
2019 SITUATED KNOWLEDGES / GLOBAL ECOLOGIES: A Collaborative Walkshop Ramble. During three days, the project, initiated by Barbara Marcel and Camila Nóbrega, brought together academic researchers with environmental activists, journalists and artists, for an experimental format of knowledge exchange. Funded by Jessica-Bilz-Stiftung, at Prinzessinnengarten, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 September.
2021 PROF. at the MA Ecology Futures at St. Joost School of Art, in the Netherlands.
2017 IMAGE AND SOUND EDITOR. “Women of the Fourth World”, Ana Hupe. (Berlin, 16').
2016-2017 PRODUCTION AND EDITING ASSISTANT. “Spell Reel”, Filipa César (Germany / Portugal / France / Guinea-Bissau, Documentary, 96'). Screenings: Berlinale - Forum 2017.
2015-2017 ARTIST ASSISTANT to visual artist Filipa César. Berlin, Germany.
2015 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. “Transmission from the Liberated Zones”, Filipa César (Portugal / France / Germany / Sweden, 30'). Main Screenings: Berlinale - Forum Expanded 2016; Tempo Documentary Festival, Stockholm, Sweden; Indielisboa, Portugal; Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany.
2014 PRODUCER AND PRODUCTION DESIGNER. “Escape from my eyes”, Felipe Bragança (Brazil/Germany, 34'). Selected Screenings: Berlinale - Forum Expanded 2015; Curitiba Intl' Film Festival; Rio de Janeiro Intl' Film Festival, São Paulo Short Film Festival.
2006-2008 POST-PRODUCTION COORDINATOR in feature films at Conspiração Filmes Production Company, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2023 A PARÁBOLA DO PROGRESSO. Catalog of the exhibition. Interview with Tie Jojima about the video installation MARLENE. Ed. SESC-SP. São Paulo, Brazil.
2023 CHILE INTERNATIONAL II. Sketches of the South - Maps of tomorrow. Edited by Eva-Christina Meier, Valeria Fahrenkrog & Galeria Metropolitana. nGbK Berlin, Germany.
2023 WORDS OF WEATHER, A GLOSSARY. Edited by Jussi Parikka & Daphne Dragona. Catalog of the exhibition at Onassis Foundation, Athens, Greece.
2022 WORLD OF ART: ART AND CLIMATE CHANGE", Edited by Maja and Reuben Fowkes. Thames & Hudson.
2021 DESILHA 3. Organized by Michelle Sommer and Lívia Flores. Original Essay, co-written with Andreas Döpke and Tom Nóbrega, called “canário azul: 5 fragmentos” (blue canary: 5 fragments).
2021 THESE BIRDS OF TEMPTATION: intercalations 6. Edited by Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne Turpin. Co-published by K. Verlag and Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Original Essay, co-written with Andreas Döpke, called “Des Goldes Klang”. Berlin, Germany.
2020 THE WORK OF THE WIND: LAND. Edited by Christine Shaw & Etienne Turpin. Co-published by K. Verlag in partnership with the University of Toronto Mississauga. Original Essay called “The gardener, the rubber-tapper and the herbalist: a ciné-cipó”. Berlin, Germany.
2019 THE ENDOTIC READER N.1. Reader with contributions by the participants hosted by TIER - The Institute for Endotic Research, including Barbara Marcel's SEVEN CROSSROADS. Berlin, Germany.
2017 THE EVER-GARDEN EFFECT. Artist Book. Berlin, Germany / Athens, Greece.
2015 LUMINOUS FLUX. Booklet Exhibition, Syros Institut. Syros, Greece.
2015 ON PROJECTION. Booklet Exhibition, Kühlhaus Berlin, Germany.
2014 AUS DEM KONTEXT. Catalogue of the exhibition “Masterarbeiten 2013/2014” from the Art in Context Institute at the Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany.
2013 LANGUAGE IS AN INVISIBLE LANDSCAPE. Drawings “Humaitá” and “A pedra agora é preta”. Collective publication curated by Portuguese artist Marta Leite. Berlin, Germany.
2013 230 000 CM. Collective publication of photos and original texts. Project funded by Quartier Donaukiez of Neukölln, organized by Marta Leite, Barbara and Marcel Senli in the Karl Marx Studio. Berlin, Germany.
2024 ICE AND COAL # RESEARCH IN ART. Graduate Program in Visual Arts at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. André Leal, Cecilia Mori, Livia Flores and Ronald Duarte invite Alexandre Vogler, Barbara Marcel, Felipe Scovino, Malu Fatorelli and Stanley Vinicius to a conversation with Ana Schaefer, Ana Szwarc, Antonio Salviano, Bia Vinzon, Cris Marinho, João Rodrigo Ostrower, Lila Deva, Luiza Dideco, Matheus Vieira, Nina Balbi, Pamela Alves, Rene Bessa, Renan Paiva, Ricardo Alvarenga and Tainah Longras. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2024 EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA AND THE QUESTION OF GENDER. Seminar by Prof. Guiomar Ramos in the Graduate Program in Creative Media at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Artist talk and screening of the film MARLENE by Barbara Marcel. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2024 COMMON IMAGINARIES. 4th Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2024, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Lecture Performance at the opening of the event, alongside Livia Flores, André Leal and Giovanni Festa, at Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2023 HAU – Hebbel am Ufer Theater. Festival ¡PROTAGONISTAS! Beyond Equality: Feminisms Reclaiming Life. An Internationalist Gathering. Moderation of Round Table “Against Capitalism and its extractivisms: From Community Feminisms to the Territorial Cuerpo-Tierra from Territorial Community Feminism and agroecology in Abya Yala (Latin America)” With: Lorena Cabnal, Carmen Cariño, Miriam Nobre, Louise Wagner / Moderation: Barbara Marcel, Camila Nobrega. Berlin, Germany.
2023 SINEMA TRANSTOPIA - Knowledge Ties #3: Amor Rojo. Moderation of the talk with Rike Frank and Dora Garcia after the exhibition of the film Amor Rojo, by Dora García. Berlin, Germany.
2023 SINEMA TRANSTOPIA - Knowledge Ties #4: HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. A presentation by Deborah Shaw and exhibition of Barbara Marcel’s feature-length Humo sobre los Humedales, followed by a conversation with Shaw and Marcel moderated by Paz Guevara. Berlin, Germany.
2023 WERKLEITZ FESTIVAL – My Precious. Artist Talk with curator Lena Johanna Reisner. At Novalis-Museum Wiederstedt, Arnstein, Germany.
2023 BOOK LAUNCH: CHILE INTERNATIONAL II - Skizzen des Südens - Landkarten von morgen (Sketches of the South - Maps of tomorrow). Conversation between Eva-Christina Meier, Ana María Saavedra and Luis Alarcón (Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile). nGbK, Berlin, Germany.
2022 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND ITS LIMITS: Complexities of Time and Space. 2nd Annual Conference of the EH Justice Network. Aarhus University, Denmark, 3-5 November.
2022 LIVING TOGETHER, LOOKING APART, International Conference at Oyoun, Berlin, Germany, 28-30 September.
2022 PARADOXOS DA PAISAGEM II. Graduate Program in Performing Arts, ECO-UFRJ. Follow-up of the students’ final projects. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15 August.
2022 ARTIST TALK organized by Laboratório de Crítica e Curadoria [LabCC] & MOVART gallery, at Galeria do Banco Económico, Luanda, Angola.
2022 JUCÁ/YUCA. Lecture Performance in collaboration with poet Érica Zíngano as part of the Festival “língua à solta”, at the Guimarães Rosa Institute / Brazil Angola Cultural Center. Luanda, Angola.
2022 QUALÉ, MANÉ?. Workshop and Performance in collaboration with poet Érica Zíngano as part of the Festival “língua à solta”, at the Guimarães Rosa Institute / Brazil Angola Cultural Center. Luanda, Angola.
2022 VISIONS DU RÉEL FILM FESTIVAL 2022. Morning Talk 4: Artists and documentaries practices: a field guide. Nyon, Switzerland.
2021 THIRD CINEMA. Workshop during the art residency at the YANGO! Biennale 2021-2022. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2021 ON LATEX - Critical Inflections on (Neo)Extractivism in Latin America. Conference organized by the ICI Berlin - Institute of Cultural Inquiry in cooperation with Stanford University. Artist talk. Berlin, Germany, 27-28 September.
2021 LANDSCAPE EXERCISES. 3rd Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2021, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Online lecture performance and artist talk in collaboration with Tom Nóbrega. Roundtable: Mineral Landscapes. UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10 June.
2021 ANDERE WÄLDER. Lecture performance and artist talk at the University of Arts Linz, in cooperation with the art festival FMR21. Linz, Austria, 06 May.
2021 BIRDS AND BUOYS. Online artist talk. Paz Guevara in conversation with Nadja Abt, Barbara Marcel and Katja Kynast, as part of the exhibition "Birds and Buoys" at the Bärenzwinger in Berlin, Germany, 28 April.
2021 ZUM DIGITALEN REGIME DER KUNST IN ZEITEN DER PANDEMIE. Artist talk, film screening and studio visits with students of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Germany, 14-15 January.
2020 ANTHROPOCENE CURRICULUM: THE SHAPE OF PRACTICE. Talk and workshop participation in the program, at the HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Germany, 26-31 October.
2020 TERRESTRIAL UNIVERSITY: Ciné-Cipó – Cine-Liana at Amazon Tall Tower Observatory. ARTIST TALK with curator Bettina Korintenberg, as part of the exhibition CRITICAL ZONES - Observatory for Earthy Politics, curated by Bruno Latour, Peter Weibel, Bettina Korintenberg and Martin Guinard at the Center for Art and Media ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 08 October.
2020 OPEN AIR VIDEO ART. Screening night of Barbara Marcel's & Ana Hupe's work and artist talk between Marcel, Hupe and the director Dr. Thomas Köhler at BERLINISCHE GALERIE. Berlin, Germany, 28 August.
2020 THE ESSAY AND EXPERIMENTATION AS FORM AND LANGUAGE: BODY, ARCHIVE, TESTIMONY. Lecture. III Jornadas Internacionales de Estéticas y Políticas Contemporáneas Nuestroamericanas (III International Conference on Nuestroamerican Contemporary Aesthetics and Politics). Universidad de Avellaneda, Argentina, 29 August.
2020 THE GARDENER, THE RUBBER TAPPER AND THE HERBALIST. Lecture performance and artist talk at FOSSO 15, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 08 February.
2019 HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. Lecture performance of an ongoing project. Event organized by the GOETHE Institute of Santiago de Chile in collaboration with Galeria Metropolitana, Chile, 14 December.
2019 WHAT ELSE BURNS WHEN THE AMAZON BURNS? Artist talk initiated by Barbara Marcel and Camila Nóbrega with Alessandra Munduruku and Vândria Borari. Parallel event to the exhibition SOIL IS AN INSCRIBED BODY. ON SOVEREIGNTY AND AGROPOETICS, at Savvy Contemporary Berlin, Germany, 22 September.
2019 WOMEN IN MOVEMENT / The Patriarchy of Land. On Agrarian Movements and Their Internal Struggles. INVOCATIONS discursive program as part of the exhibition SOIL IS AN INSCRIBED BODY. ON SOVEREIGNTY AND AGROPOETICS, at Savvy Contemporary Berlin, Germany, 14 September.
2019 NARRATIVES OF SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN BRAZIL: ON THE RIGHT TO THE TERRITORIES AND IMAGINARIES. Artist talk initiated by Barbara Marcel and Camila Nóbrega with Brazilian grassroot movement activists Silvia Baptista (TEIA - Women's Agroecological Collective) and Luana Carvalho (MST - Landless Workers' Movement in Brazil). Discursive program as part of the exhibition “Licht, Luft und Scheisse - Perspectives on Ecology and Modernity", a joint production of: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum der Freien Universität Berlin (BGBM), Martin-Elsaesser-Stiftung, Nachbarschaftsakademie im Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberg and neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK). Berlin, Germany, 4 September.
2018 CHANGING CLIMATES Conference. Engaging Citizens with Local Environments and Ecologies through Digital Interventions. Presentation at the conference, lecture performance. University of Skövde, Sweden, 22-24 November.
2018 THE OPEN FOREST. Lecture performance at the International Conference POLITICS OF NATURE. Organized by Federico Luisetti and Emmanuel Alloa. School for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 11-13 October.
2018 12 SCHNITTE UND EIN LOCH IM TAL [12 steps and a hole in the valley]. A Walkshop Ramble initiated by Barbara Marcel in collaboration with geographer Andreas Döpke, with the support of TRAFFO – UNESCO and the participation of students of the University of Hamburg and University of Hildesheim. Harz, Germany.
2018 HOW ON EARTH? Consuming a planet. Lecture performance as part of the exhibition Disappearing Legacies: The World as Forest, at the Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin, Germany, 29 April.
2017 PLATFORMS PROJECT. Artist talk in collaboration with Campus Novel, as part of the release of the artist publication “The ever-garden effect”. Athens, Greece, 19 May.
2016 THE EVER-GARDEN EFFECT. One-week workshop initiated by Barbara Marcel in collaboration with the Greek Artist Collective Campus Novel as part of the OMONOIA Athens Biennial, Greece, 01-05 May.
2016 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FINE ARTS EDUCATION (NAFAE) SYMPOSIUM at the University of Cumbria Institute of the Arts. Presentation of artistic research methodologies at the conference. Lancaster, United Kingdom, 15-16 July.
2014 ARTIST TALK: ARTICLINIC. Werkstadt Neukölln. Berlin, Germany.
2012 ARTIST TALK AND SCREENING, Altes Finanzamt. Berlin, Germany.