27.09.2024, Debate STAGES OF LATIN AMERICAN FILM: CO-PRODUCTIONS AND THEIR CHALLENGES as part of the 18th CINEBH International Film Festival in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
27.09.2024, Debate STAGES OF LATIN AMERICAN FILM: CO-PRODUCTIONS AND THEIR CHALLENGES as part of the 18th CINEBH International Film Festival in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- Barbara Marcel - director and producer of Suraras | Brazil
- Ernesto Jara Vargas - director of Altamar | Costa Rica
- Ivette Liang - Head of Production at Nuevas Miradas | Cuba/Colombia
- Juan Pablo Polanco Carranza - director of Carro Pasajero | Colombia
- Luana Melgaço - partner at Anavilhana and producer of Praia Formosa | Brazil
Mediator: Paulo de Carvalho - producer and collaborator of Brasil CineMundi | Germany

20.07.2024, Double screening of Glauber Rocha’s film DER LEONE HAVE SEPT CABEÇAS and Barbara Marcel’s medium-length film MARLENE, followed by a conversation between Marcel, Mariana Queen Nwabsili and Mateus Araújo, at the Brazilian Cinematheque. São Paulo, Brazil.
20.07.2024, Double screening of Glauber Rocha’s film DER LEONE HAVE SEPT CABEÇAS and Barbara Marcel’s medium-length film MARLENE, followed by a conversation between Marcel, Mariana Queen Nwabsili and Mateus Araújo, at the Brazilian Cinematheque. São Paulo, Brazil.
In a special double screening, DER LEONE HAVE SEPT CABEÇAS (Glauber Rocha, 1970) and MARLENE (Barbara Marcel, 2022) were shown at the Cinemateca Brasileira. While DER LEONE, filmed in Congo Brazzaville in 1969, is part of Rocha's Tricontinental Cinema project, MARLENE, filmed in Kinshasa, just across the river, is the result of the screening and reception of Rocha's film today and the debates about militant cinema. The screening was followed by a conversation between Marcel, journalist, researcher and film festival curator Mariana Queen Nwabsili and film studies professor Mateus Araújo.
Link to the event.

4th Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2024, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
4th Research Seminar on Art and City_DESILHA 2024, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Lecture Performance at the opening of the event, alongside Livia Flores, André Leal and Giovanni Festa, at Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal in Rio de Janeiro.

Screening of the films HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES and MARLENE by Barbara Marcel followed by a conversation between the film director and Mariana Queen Nwabasili at Cinemateca do MAM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

13.6.2024, Other Transitions - Screenings as part of the exhibition "to slip, to slide, to glitch" by Larisa Crunțeanu & Sonja Hornung; contributions from and events with Mareike Bernien & Alex Gerbaulet, Barbara Marcel, Ann Oren, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, Tama Ruß, Nikola Stoyanov; in curatorial collaboration with Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski, at alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin.
13.6.2024, Other Transitions - Screenings as part of the exhibition "to slip, to slide, to glitch" by Larisa Crunțeanu & Sonja Hornung; contributions from and events with Mareike Bernien & Alex Gerbaulet, Barbara Marcel, Ann Oren, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, Tama Ruß, Nikola Stoyanov; in curatorial collaboration with Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski, at alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin.
Screening event: Other transitions
Wannabe starlet trees, a phone sex worker in Vetagrande Zacatecas, Mexico, and animated Harz Roller canaries in Tenerife precede an underground conversation about transitioning. These works reshuffle the categories of human, nature, and artifice, pointing towards moments of indefinition, refusal, and chasing collective dreams against the odds.
Congratulations! You are still in the running for becoming, Ann Oren, 2015 (10:22)
Heavy Blood, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, 2018 (18:43)
Excerpts from Des Goldes Klang (Golden Tone), Barbara Marcel, 2023 (ca. 40:00) - Exhibition of the channels "Animation" and "Interview with Tom".
Followed by an online artist talk with Barbara Marcel.

June 2023. Knowledge Ties #4: HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. A presentation by Deborah Shaw and exhibition of Barbara Marcel’s feature-length Humo sobre los Humedales, followed by a conversation with Shaw and Marcel moderated by Paz Guevara. Berlin, Germany.
June 2023. Knowledge Ties #4: HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES. A presentation by Deborah Shaw and exhibition of Barbara Marcel’s feature-length Humo sobre los Humedales, followed by a conversation with Shaw and Marcel moderated by Paz Guevara. Berlin, Germany.
Knowledge Tie is a collaboration between the Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme and SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA. The public programme contributes to the ongoing unfolding of research-based practices in the arts, their foundations and forms of mediation. The programme thus responds to the growing importance of art for knowledge in society and independent forms of knowledge formation.
The 4th event included a presentation by Deborah Shaw and a screening of Humo sobre los Humedales, a film by Barbara Marcel, followed by a conversation with Shaw and Marcel moderated by Paz Guevara.
Following the work of environmentalists and communicators involved in social movements in the city of Concepción, the film Humo sobre los Humedales (Smoke over wetlands) portrays the role of women in the uprising that took to the streets of Santiago and all the cities of Chile between October and December 2019.
Click here for more information on the film and the event.