2024, Brazil/Germany. Experimental documentary / video installation. Video, full HD, color, sound, 94’.
2024, Brazil/Germany. Experimental documentary / video installation. Video, full HD, color, sound, 94’.
Natalina Oliveira and Raquel Tupinambá are community broadcasters and grassroots activists from the state of Pará, in the middle of the Brazilian Amazon. They are residents of one of the oldest reservations in the region: the Resex Tapajós-Arapiuns land. Running an independent radio station, they create connections within their people and territory, but also between scientific and community knowledge. The two women are brave Amazonian guardians, known locally as Suraras. When they are invited to visit ATTO, the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory, the highest observation tower in the continent, they embark on an adventure through the rivers and the riverside communities of the largest tropical forest on the planet. Together with them, we connect with the lives, the stories, and the knowledge residing in this territory and its people. We learn about a place of plentiful biodiversity, but also of political struggle and resistance against large-scale extractivism. SURARAS is a documentary on the borders of artistic, scientific, global, and local practices.
World Premiere in September 2024 at the CineBH - Belo Horizonte International Film Festival.
O LIBERAL: CineBH recebe a produção amazônica: filmes paraenses ‘Sangria’ e ‘Suraras’ (includes an interview with Barbara Marcel)
Mídia Ninja: CineBH – Mostra Internacional de Cinema de Belo Horizonte anuncia a programação de sua 18ª edição
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry: "Suraras" at the CineBH International Film Festival
ISTOÉ: Em sua 18ª edição, Mostra Internacional de Cinema de Belo Horizonte exibe 110 filmes