2019-21, Chile. Video, color, sound, approx. 90min.
2019-21, Chile. Video, color, sound, approx. 90min.
Following the work of environmentalists and communicators involved in social movements in the city of Concepción, the video portrays the role of women in the uprising that took to the streets of Santiago and all the cities of Chile between October and December 2019. HUMO SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES takes as a starting point the defense of local wetland ecosystems called Humedales – interconnected hydrological systems with a transitional morphology between land and water –, and shows how environmental struggles are indissociated from social mobilizations for basic rights such as access to clean water. The video depicts transmissions by a local Community Radio and the Latin American Ecofeminist debates during the Carpa de las Mujeres in Santiago, a meeting parallel to the Climate Conference 25 in Madrid 2019. Narrated with the artist's voice off in the tone of a travel diary, the film contrasts the individual gaze and the many voices of the crowd clamoring for a new national constitution.
The video was produced in Laguna Grande de San Pedro, Concepción and Santiago de Chile between November 18 and December 17, 2019. The project is the result of the Artistic Residence ARTIVISM, initiated by the Goethe Institute Chile and Galeria Metropolitana in Santiago. Supported by Kummer-Vanotti Stiftung.

Film credits
Radio Humedales: Paloma Bello, Carla Duran, Alejandra Fuentes, Pierina Pondanelli, Paula Sepulveda, Katherina Venegas
Red Humedales Bío Bío: Jo Varela, Luisa Valenzuela (La Guardiana), Eve Soto
March at the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Concepción, 25.11.2019
Chilean collective "Las Tesis", at the a performance "Un violador en tu camino"
Women participanting in the Cumbre de los Pueblos y Carpa de las Mujeres, 2-6.11.2019 at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios (OEA) of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile:
Speakers (in order of appearance): Juana Vera, Francisca Rodríguez, Yayo Herrero
Production, Camera, Editing
Barbara Marcel
Research, Set Production
Ana Maria Saavedra and Flavia Hechen
Editing Assistance, Subtitling
Beatriz Krieger
Drone Images
Nicolas Salazar
Sound Design and Mix
Sarah Lelièvre
Original Soundtrack
Lea Taragona
Audio Excerpts
AOIR Cartografía Sonora - Octubre (Chile Despertó), Valentina Villarroel
Radio Humedales
Podcast Cacerola Informativa #DespertamosdelShock - Episodios 30.10 / 03.12 / 06.12.2019
Humedales la cabeza a los pájaros, Fabiano-Kueva y Valentina Villarroel
Grabaciones de campo/Cerro caracol, Valentina Villarroel
Nos tienen miedo, Liliana Felipe (Mil Veces Mil, 2008)
Contra Todo, iLe (Almadura, 2019)
Las Golondrinas, Evelyn Cornejo (La Chusma Inconsciente, 2017)
Octubre 19, Indomitamorfosis (2019)
Supported by Goethe Chile, Galeria Metropolitana, Kummer-Vanotti Stiftung.