27.09.2024, Debate STAGES OF LATIN AMERICAN FILM: CO-PRODUCTIONS AND THEIR CHALLENGES as part of the 18th CINEBH International Film Festival in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
27.09.2024, Debate STAGES OF LATIN AMERICAN FILM: CO-PRODUCTIONS AND THEIR CHALLENGES as part of the 18th CINEBH International Film Festival in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- Barbara Marcel - director and producer of Suraras | Brazil
- Ernesto Jara Vargas - director of Altamar | Costa Rica
- Ivette Liang - Head of Production at Nuevas Miradas | Cuba/Colombia
- Juan Pablo Polanco Carranza - director of Carro Pasajero | Colombia
- Luana Melgaço - partner at Anavilhana and producer of Praia Formosa | Brazil
Mediator: Paulo de Carvalho - producer and collaborator of Brasil CineMundi | Germany