13.6.2024, Other Transitions - Screenings as part of the exhibition "to slip, to slide, to glitch" by Larisa Crunțeanu & Sonja Hornung; contributions from and events with Mareike Bernien & Alex Gerbaulet, Barbara Marcel, Ann Oren, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, Tama Ruß, Nikola Stoyanov; in curatorial collaboration with Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski, at alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin.
13.6.2024, Other Transitions - Screenings as part of the exhibition "to slip, to slide, to glitch" by Larisa Crunțeanu & Sonja Hornung; contributions from and events with Mareike Bernien & Alex Gerbaulet, Barbara Marcel, Ann Oren, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, Tama Ruß, Nikola Stoyanov; in curatorial collaboration with Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski, at alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin.
Screening event: Other transitions
Wannabe starlet trees, a phone sex worker in Vetagrande Zacatecas, Mexico, and animated Harz Roller canaries in Tenerife precede an underground conversation about transitioning. These works reshuffle the categories of human, nature, and artifice, pointing towards moments of indefinition, refusal, and chasing collective dreams against the odds.
Congratulations! You are still in the running for becoming, Ann Oren, 2015 (10:22)
Heavy Blood, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, 2018 (18:43)
Excerpts from Des Goldes Klang (Golden Tone), Barbara Marcel, 2023 (ca. 40:00) - Exhibition of the channels "Animation" and "Interview with Tom".
Followed by an online artist talk with Barbara Marcel.